Keeping things chaotic as ever, [CK9C] ChaoticCanineCulture brings you the darker side of nerdcore songs. Led by artist Jorge Aguilar II, otherwise known as CK9C, this channel explores the more spooky side of the sonic spectrum with popular songs often featuring the vocal talent of his sister, Elizabeth Ann. Together with a small team of talented animators from around the world, CK9C and Elizabeth Ann bring to life original theatrical numbers based on popular indie horror games like Five Nights at Freddy’s and Bendy & the Ink Machine.
With viral songs like “You Can’t Hide”, “Funtime Dance Floor” and “Recording Gold” there’s sure to be a tune for almost everyone to vibe with in CK9C’s discography from electronic sonic walls of sound to their theatrical big band jazz numbers! Keeping with the channel name’s theme, their upload schedule has been nothing short of chaotic but you can guarantee they always have some sinister sounding song quietly brewing in the studio.